Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Monday afternoon. It's been a pretty okay one here, considering I only have to work one of my 3 jobs today. It almost feels like a day off!

Ok, so I fervently refuse to decorate my house for Christmas before Thanksgiving. I'm not a big Black Friday shopper, so I usually have a cup of coffee and start putting up my decorations that day. That being said, I will work on Christmas decorations and craft presents right now. I'm currently working on several projects. Some of them are still in the planning stages, and others almost completed. I'm making a purse that I should have pictures of soon. I'm almost done, but I pretty much only work on it in waiting rooms right now. Needless to day, I get a lot of questions about it. I have two more times I'll be in a waiting room this week, so hopefully I'll be done by this weekend.

My boyfriend made the mistake of telling me he was thinking about decorating his house for Christmas this year. His house is awesome to decorate. He didn't do it last year because he had just moved in 2 weeks before Christmas and was more concerned with unpacking. Now I have visions of garland and Christmas lights flashing in my head. He's already given me that "you're about to go craft crazy, aren't you?" look about 3 times since he told me. Well... that just makes this a learning experience for him as well!

Ok, I'm off to design and then get ready for work. I hope everyone has a good Monday!

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